- September 4, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Your Guide

Mention socialising at work to a peer and you may conjure images of slackers at the water cooler or the busy office gossip. However, these negative images aren’t necessarily today’s norm. Socialising in these days has changed and the advantages are clear. People are more connected than ever, mixing and mingling in new ways. Smart businesses are harnessing these social processes rather than expending energies on cease and desist memos.
Knowledge Sharing
When an organisation sends several communications during the day, it’s easy for the reader to overlook an important memo or detail. During socialisation, employees often share updates on projects that may otherwise be missed. Social activity also gives workers exposure to different perspectives on changes in policies or projects. These exchanges also allow companies and leaders to mentor and train employees. Offering pointers in a more casual setting, such as the break room, may put trainees more at ease. Sharing knowledge like success and failures with the company, provides insight into others.
Helps New Employees
New employees who enter a busy work environment may feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland. Socialising with the new employee is a proven method that acclimates the new worker to her new office, work team and duties. Leading the new employee through the departments and introducing her to each person is how small businesses use socialising at work. For example, the manager may lead the introductions by saying, “This is Tolani. She’s our new accountant. She’ll be working with Emeka.” Employees welcome Tolani and give her encouragement, pointers advice and support for her new role.
Encourages Teamwork
Socialising at work benefits the workplace through encouraging teamwork. Organisations rely on winning groups o bring in big dividends. Allowing these teams to give “high-fives,” exchange handshakes or spend a little time bragging may bolster their team spirit. This type of socialisation is infectious. Encourage teamwork by patting winners on the back and giving kudos whenever you see company winners. This brief, yet powerful socialisation can be positive and powerful.
Builds Alliances
Socialisation is the virtual petri dish that builds new, strong alliances within your company. A strong alliance between a member of the accounting department and a member of the production department could result in a power team that finds a way to cut costs in production. Apply this same socialisation principle to two employees, one from customer service and one from production. When a product goes awry, the two can come up with a fix, averting crisis with a strong alliance. Don’t just allow strong alliances, accommodate them by introducing two leaders from opposite sides of the organisation.
Source: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-socializing-workplace-18718.html